Big Brothers Big Sisters of McHenry County Logo

Big Brothers Big Sisters of McHenry County

What We Do

Provide youth with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. When children can envision a positive future for themselves, they work harder in school, set goals, and are more likely to avoid risky behaviors and feel better about themselves. Big Brothers Big Sisters wants all children to achieve their full potential.

Who We Serve

Children between the ages of 6 to 13 at the time of enrollment for Site Based and Community Based programs; ages 14 and over for Big Futures. Children who benefit from support of a positive adult influence outside of their home.


Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9-5; By Appointment Only-Friday and weekends

Eligibility Requirements

Children must be McHenry County residents between the ages of 6-13 at the time of enrollment for Site/Community Based and 14 or over for Big Futures. Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older for our Community Based and Lunch-Time Mentoring Programs, and responsible high school students are eligible volunteers for our After-School Mentoring Program. For Big Futures, volunteers are at least 30 years old.

Insurance Accepted

Free Program