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What We Do

Alcoholism is a family disease. The disease affects all those who have a relationship with a problem drinker. Those of us closest to the alcoholic suffer the most, and those who care the most can easily get caught up in the behavior of another person. We react to the alcoholic’s behavior. We focus on them, what they do, where they are, how much they drink. We try to control their drinking for them. We take on the blame, guilt, and shame that belong to the drinker. We can become as addicted to the alcoholic, as the alcoholic is to alcohol. We, too, can become ill.

The purpose of these 12-step programs is to provide a structured path to recovery for loved ones, like what AA provides for alcoholics. Take note; these aren’t programs where you’re encouraged to bring your recovering loved one with you. This is about you, and your own life.

Who We Serve

Al-Anon is like AA for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. The group includes family members, romantic partners, friends, and even coworkers. Alateen is a part of Al-Anon Family Groups and caters specifically to younger friends and family members.